CS After Dark

[NOTES] Numerical Integration

Fellas, sometimes you just can't integrate analytically. That's when you gotta get a bit freaky.

In early calculus classes I was taught that area under the curve can be thought of as the sum of several tiny rectangles (Reimann's Rule). But the Big-Education kept lying to me and forced me to evaluate integrals analytically. This is an exposé on Big-Educations dark secrets (and a code dump).

Trapezoid Rule

Trapezoid's are more flexible than rectangles so they calculate the area under the curve a bit more accurately. This is how it's defined:


Simpson's Rule

This one is better because it was invented by Bart Simpson from the Simpsons. Here is how it looks:


Code Example

Let's start with integrals of Sin and Cos to establish a benchmark. We already know the integrals so code would look something like this:

import numpy as np
import math

def int_sin(a, b):
    return -np.cos(b) + np.cos(a)

def int_cos(a, b):
    return np.sin(b) - np.sin(a)

int_sin(0, 1), int_cos(0, 1)
# Output: (0.45969769413186023, 0.8414709848078965)

Here is how we apply both rules:

def num_integration(f, a, b, n = 10, h = 0.1, method = "simpsons"):
    if method == "simpsons":
        acc = 0
        for i in range(1, n//2 + 1):
            acc += f(a + (2*i - 2)*h) + 4*f(a + (2*i - 1)*h) + f(a + (2*i)*h)
        return h*acc/3
        # use trapezoidal method
        t1 = h/2 * f(a)
        t2 = h/2 * f(b)
        acc = 0
        for i in range(1, n):
            acc += h * f(a + i * h)
        return t1 + acc + t2

int_sin(0, 1), num_integration(np.sin, 0, 1), num_integration(np.sin, 0, 1, method="trapezoidal")
# (0.45969769413186023, 0.4596979498238207, 0.4593145488579765)

int_cos(0, 1), num_integration(np.cos, 0, 1), num_integration(np.cos, 0, 1, method="trapezoidal")
# (0.8414709848078965, 0.8414714528488904, 0.8407696420884198)

Too Bad

Too bad that numerical integration is not scalable to high-dimensional functions. You gotta use Monte Carlo Integration for this. But that's an exposé for another time.

#integration #machine-learning #numerical-integration #optimization #simpsons-rule #statistics #trapezoid-rule