annoying tech twitter
- common lowercase n-grams in bio: agi researcher, e/acc, researchoor, "blackpill/redpill", high agency, technology brother, something enjoyer
- virtue signalling in bio: "cs/systems @waterloo/berkely/mit", "ml/systems @faang/startup"
- "building @someproduct"
- ~4-10k followers
- anime pfp
- paying for a blue check
- bearblog/notion/substack blog with Nalav-esque advice ex: "You can do this very obvious thing X" or "I've arrived at this insight Y that is definitely not obvious to anyone else"
- d*ck riding sama, elon, balaji, taleb, naval, pmarca, peter thiel etc
- annoying af but also competent
- tweeting screenshots of their blog with caption: "I've written an essay..."
reminder: annoying != hated/wrong/incompetent